Resources & Links
Suggested Books
Anti-Diet – Christy Harrison
Intuitive eating – Tribole and Resch
The intuitive eating workbook – Tribole and Resch
How to nourish your child through an eating disorder - Casey Crosbie and Wendy Sterling
Binge eating disorder: the journey to recovery and beyond - Amy Pershing and Chevese Turner
Reclaiming Body Trust - Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant
"You Just need to lose Weight" and 19 other myths about fatness - Aubrey Gordon
What we don't talk about when we talk about fat - Aubrey Gordon
Food psych (start with episode #127)
The Anti-Diet (interview with Evelyn Tribole on 10percent happier podcast w/Dan Harris)
Maintenance phase
For Parents:
Blogs & written articles:
Body acceptance begins with grieving the thin ideal - Meredith Noble
Wanting to lose weight isn't shameful - Center for Body Trust
Center for Body Trust Reading Resources